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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Well, well, well.

As some of you may have noticed, I took a little blogging hiatus this week while my lady pals from Wisconsin came into town for a visit Wednesday night through Sunday morning!  Since all but one hadn't been to visit us in Houston, it was fun to enjoy the weather, shopping, and most importantly? the drinks.

Here are all the abbreviated highlights in photos:

Gave myself a really nice bright pink pedi.  Color does not show through well on film but it's Elephantastic Pink by OPI.  Perfect for summer mani/pedis.
Wednesday am started off right.  Pinterest does not always mean a win.  Snapchatted this gem to the girls.
Wed. night we went to IKEA for pillow covers & I got a froyo.
pre-thursday night bar crawl
baked in the sun friday & got a side pony shadow-burn
Three Olives Loopy Vodka + gummy bears = delicious treat.
:: besties ::
Thursday night at the bar

So that is basically everything that has happened around here!  Today I dropped the girls at the airport around 4:30 am and came home to sleep for about 7 hours.  It was a really great weekend full of lots of shenanigans that shall not be spoken about on the internets!


  1. Sounds like you had a great weekend! I love that "pinterest" picture, hair stuff like that never works out for me. Except Kate's blog- ha:)

    1. Ha I know! I think it's always good to recognize a pinterest fail once in a while along with all the wins!

  2. Loopy + gummies? Best idea! I'll add that to my "stuff to bring camping" list!


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